Here you will get to know what’s those 6 Best things about this Independence Day 15th August 2020. Independence day is an annual celebration for Indian. 15th August 1947, on this date, India was getting freedom from foreign rule.
It was a historic day for our nation; for 100 years struggling against the British government, India was officially free.
Indians celebrate this day annually, giving them time to remember the heroes that helped us gain independence.
Every year we celebrate Independence Day by the National anthem is sung and flag-raising ceremonies.
Prime Minister will take part in a flag-raising ceremony at the Red Fort in old Delhi and the parade with members of the armed forces and police.
Then Prime minister delivers a speech to the country, related to our achievements and future goals.
These 6 Best things about this 74th Independence Day 15th August 2020. So, let’s start
1. 15th August 2020 Chief Guest

Every Independence day, India invites the Chief guest to celebrate the grand annual event.
The chief guest of the last year 2019 – President Cyril Ramaphosa.
This Independence day, states have been advised by the center to invite those people who have recovered from COVID-19 as their guest.
And also the health advisors, local authorities, police, army.
The government has also advised that there will not attend gatherings.
As reported by the government that in the celebration of Independence Day, not more than 250 people are expected to attend Prime minister Narendra Modi address at the Red Fort.
2. 15th August 2020 Panchang

Panchang 15th August 2020, Saturday for Ujjain,
- Sunrise – 6:19:33
- Sunset – 19:6:5
- Moonrise – 2:23:8
- Moonset – 16:2:8
- Hindu Sunrise – 6:23:15
- Hindu Sunset – 19:2:19
- Sun sign – Cancer
- Moon sign – Gemini
Panchang Elements
- Tithi – Krishna Ekadashi up to 14:21:4
- Next : Krishna Dwadashi
- Nakshatra – Mrigshira up to 6:36:26
- Next : Ardra
- Yog – Harshan up to 9:8:47
- Next: Vajra
Karan – Baalav upto 14:15:4
3. 15th August 2020 Corona Vaccine

Covaxin is a vaccine candidate that has developed by the BBIL in collaboration with the National Institute of Virology ( NIV ) for the treatment of infected COVID 19 patients.
According to releases, clinical trials of infected patients in Phase 1 and Phase 2 from the covaxin.
12 Institutes have selected for ICMR where the clinical trial will take place.
If you want to know more about it then click here.
4. 15th August 2020 No Gathering

Even the gatherings at the Red Fort, where the flag is hoisted every Independence Day, will be limited.
There will not any more grand performances with the military bands either.
The citizens across the country sing the song and dance on patriotic songs.
The government has also advised that there will not gatherings.
As reported by the government that in the celebration of Independence Day, not more than 250 people are expected to attend Prime minister Narendra Modi address at the Red Fort.
5. 74th Independence Day

India will celebrate its 74th Independence day this year, but with a slight twist.
From this Coronavirus pandemic, there will be no social gatherings; instead, this event and celebrations will broadcast on television.
6. Indian Independence Day Facts

- India has been independent for 73 years.
- India has had 13 full-time Presidents
- India has had only one female President
- India has had 14 prime minister
- India is the 7th largest country in the world
- India is the largest democracy in the world
- India is the second most populated country after China.
I hope this is helpful for you. Thank you
Author Profile

- I am not what has happened to me, I am what I choose to become. I create my own sunshine. Learning something new is an adventure for me. I like to explore new things. Because failure or success doesn’t define me. My attempt does.
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