5 Situation where you should stay silent
5 Situation where you should stay silent

5 Situation where you should stay silent

Have you ever regretted after said? And then we realize that we should have kept quiet at that time or it would have been better if I had not said so. This happens to everyone, so I have come to know in which 5 situations we should stay silent and in which situation.

Staying silent will be powerful like a word – the act of hugging someone as a support rather than a word in a situation. Silence comes naturally to some and acts like an introvert for some.

There are very few of us who know in which situation we should remain silent and in which situation we should speak.

Let’s begin with this 5 situation where you should stay silent:

1. Be silent in the heat of hunger:

Be silent if you don't have a solution/facts

If a person is in an angry mood, look irritated and that person speaks loudly at you then don’t loud on that person it would make that conversation worse because that person is in an angry mood and if they spoke out all the things which he has inside him then it would help calm to him.

When you feel that he is calm and he is done all that, then you should ask what is the matter and try to don’t angry with him. In the end when you would have heard all the things that man said. It helps control the situation and does not make that thing worse.

A moment of silence in a moment of anger saves you hundreds of moments of regret.”

2. Be silent If your words will offend a person:

Be silent If your words will offend a person

When your words and whatever you are saying, hurt the listener, then you should be silent. It is not important to speak continuously without thinking about the hearer.

This is a bad sign of conversation. It is very important to take a point of view and see the expression of the listener. For some time we need to stop and listen.

3. Be silent if you have already said it more than one time:

Things to Leave Behind in 2021

If you are using a word repeatedly in your conversation, it means that you are disturbing the listener. And it makes you shameless because the listener feels that you do not know what to say and you are saying it without thinking. 

Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

4. Be silent if you don’t have a solution/facts:

Be silent if you don't have a solution/facts

If you do not know whether a conversation is going on or a very important discussion is going on, you will say something irrelevant or something that has nothing to do with that discussion.

This will make you shameless in front of people, so when you don’t know then you should keep quiet. Meaningless silence is always better than speaking meaningless words.

5. Be silent if your word conveys the wrong impression:

Actions speak louder than the voice - Opinion

Sometimes we are saying ABC and hearer understand XYZ this is the sign of lack of communication skills. It creates confusion between both of them.

If you are making this mistake while speaking, then it’s time to improve and bring change. A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed.

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Author Profile

Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar
I am not what has happened to me, I am what I choose to become. I create my own sunshine. Learning something new is an adventure for me. I like to explore new things. Because failure or success doesn’t define me. My attempt does.

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