hacks for skinny guys

Skinny Guys |5 Fashion Hacks For Slim Men.


Learn layering it means if you’re wearing a T-shirt over it. this looks so much stylish and of the best style for skinny guys.

skinny guys with layering fashion.

Slim Fit.

Go for slim fit clothing instead of ‘skinny fit’ . skinny fit clothing might make you look like more weaker and skinny. Don’t go for too loose cloths as well.

skinny guys with layering fashion


Best pattern for skinny guys is horizontal stripes, check.Horizontal stripes helps you to look little more broader than you actually are. you can also try check.

horizontal p[attern t-shirt for skinny guys

Roll-up Sleeves.

Rolled up sleeves shirt fits a little better from arms. You don’t have to do it everytime but can roll up sleeves if you feel like isn’t fitting good. this style looks good as well

men with roll sleeves for skinny guys

Use Sneakers.

Use sneakers more often. try to avoid bulky shoes like big boots, bulky sneakers, etc. Bulky footwear might make you look more weaker or skinny.

nike black sneakers best for skinny guys

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i am a passionate fashion model and blogger . i like to give advice to peoples about fashion grooming .
This platform is more focused on providing suggestion ideas about fashion such as:
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