Human psychology is the science of the mind of human behavior. According to him, when we want to do something and we are unable to do it, we assume that it is impossible.
This is wrong because we do not see how many times we have tried to do it. And we lose hope 1-2 times. When we want to do something and we succeed in those things then we believe that it is possible.

But let me tell you that, there was an old IQ test, in which you have to draw a line in nine dots without lifting the pencil. This is not possible if you want to, you have to go outside the box.
So, here too if you want to do something, if you want to change the impossible word into possible, then you have to think outside the box.
Let’s begin to turned impossible word into possible by following four simple steps:
1. Find your passion

Ask yourself is there anything that you are already doing? Find out what you spend hours reading about. If you have some hobby and you are doing it regularly and you like to do it and you have to just evaluate and find the interest.
Nothing comes to your mind, then take out a sheet and start writing down ideas. Anything comes to your mind, watch your house on your computer, book all things, and evaluate your interest.
2. Never hold yourself back

First of all, I would say stop worrying about old mistakes. We all make mistakes, we have our own problems of struggle and we are complaining to think of the past.
If we think about our past mistakes then we are unable to shape our future as we cry to think about our past. Everything, even the smallest thing that happened to you in the past, all these things prepare you for the moment that is yet to come.
3. Help others

Helping others is not good for them it’s also good for do because it makes them happy and very grateful to you. According to scientific study – it’s boost happiness, increase life satisfaction, it’s improving our mood and remove stress.
Kindness towards others it’s just like glue because it’s connected to human well-being and builds connection. So if you want to feel good, do good.
4. Dream big

The first secret of a self-made millionaire or billionaire is to Dream Big. Allow yourself to imagine your goals, your career, think about the amount of money that you want to earn. Thoughts are things, what you think, you become. “Risk hai to Ishq hai”
Don’t be afraid to think big, to dream big. But remember one thing that dreams without goals are just dreams. It’s important to keep motivated and positive because it adds value to you to do and achieve that which you had dreamt.
I hope this is helpful for you, Thank you
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Author Profile

- I am not what has happened to me, I am what I choose to become. I create my own sunshine. Learning something new is an adventure for me. I like to explore new things. Because failure or success doesn’t define me. My attempt does.
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