Hello! let’s talk about some common mistakes people do and you also do it on regular basis.
so let’s start.

Don’t buy square pointed formals shoes. I mean seriously guys you all belong from the ’20s but you wear these types of shoes then trust me your dressing sense is still hanging in the 90’s.

Buy arrow\sharp pointed shoes. they will lift your style to the top of the mountain .make sure you always keep them polish and in new condition.
2.wearing different coloured belt and shoes.
Generally, people do they wear all good things but then they wear a different colored belt with different colored shoes and this shows that they know nothing about the rule of formals.

Always wear the same colored shoes and a belt. for example, if you choose black shoes then go with black colour belt.
3. watches
Most of the men wear smartwatch and sportswatch on formals so stop doing it. this is not correct categories of watches for formals.

So i am going to tell you 3 types of watch you can try on formals and on even semi-formals.
with these watches you can go on formals.
It can become weapon if you wear right accessories on formals . By the name of accessories our mind shows us some ,chains, bands ,rings ,shades etc.
But you cannot try all these accessories on formals.
Dont try chain on formals. use less accessories 2-3 is max. dont try more accessories.
If you go with rings then try it on the opposite hand of watch, don’t wear them on same hand. Try shades they makes you more attractive ,smart and mature..

And if you wear formals then don’t avoid watches.
Fitting can makes your personality good or bad it depends on the type of fitting you wear.many peoples wear very baggy and too tight.

Don’t do it very baggy fitting shows you a lazy person and too tight clothes shows thats you still wears your childhood dresses .

So guys this is the most common five mistake people do . i hope you like this blog. please share and follow us on instagram.
Author Profile

i am a passionate fashion model and blogger . i like to give advice to peoples about fashion grooming .
This platform is more focused on providing suggestion ideas about fashion such as:
1 trends
2 hacks
3 ideas
4 grooming
5 improve your personality.
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very useful blog to encourage personality
Nice & informative…