men with check shirt

Check Shirt Fashion | A Complete Guide To Wearing Checks


Check pattern itself is enough to catch the attention. you need to pair it with clothing that compliments your check shirt. go for plain jeans, trousers, chinos.


How do you layer your check shirt? remember that your clothing should compliment your shirt. plain white or plain black tee is the best option for layering.

Check size

It’s really important to go for the right check size according to your body size and shape.

Smaller size for skinny guys and bigger size for big guys is preferred.

Do these 4 things and women will find you
Do these 4 things and women will find you


For skinny guys small size check and lighter colours. bigger guys can go for darker colors and big size check. healthy guys can go for any color and any size.

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i am a passionate fashion model and blogger . i like to give advice to peoples about fashion grooming .
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