As we know Selenium WebDriver is an open-source automation tool. It’s a component of selenium which is used to test the functionality of web application. Friends today we will learn about how to download and install Selenium WebDriver.

Before going through how to install Selenium WebDriver. Let’s know about the pre-requisites that we need to install Selenium WebDriver.
We need to have the following:
- Active Internet Connection
- Browser like Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, IDE
- Java
- Eclipse IDE for Java Developers
- Driver for any one browser on which we want to perform the test
Steps for download and installation:
Step 1: Download and install Java.
Click here and download java. Install java and set path. For java path setup you can follow this link.once the installation is completed, Now it’s time to verify. For this, firstly open the command prompt then type there “java -version” and hit enter. Command prompt screen will show you as follows:

Step 2: Download and install Eclipse.
Click here and download Eclipse. Install Eclipse IDE for Java Developers”.

Step 3: Download Driver for any browser.
Download the driver as per your requirement. Here we’re going to download the driver “geckodriver” for browser Mozilla Firefox. To download Click here.

Click on one of the above links according to your requirements.
Step 4: Download selenium webDriver
Go to Selenium official website “”.

Click on the Download link and download the selenium Zip file. Extract Zip file. You will get some files as follows:

Step 5: Finally configure eclipse library by adding selenium JAR files.
Launch Eclipse and create a new java project by navigating through File – New – Java Project. Enter a project name and click on Finish button.

Now create a package: For this, right-click on the java project you have created and select option New then select option Package.

Enter a package name as newPackage. Click on the finish button.

Now Create a class: Right-click on the package you have created and select New and then select Class.

Enter a class name as NewJavaClass. Select checkbox “public static void main(String[] args)”. Click on the finish button.

Again right click on the just created java project and select option Build path and then select optiion Configure build path.

Go to Library tab. Library tab shows two options Modulepath and Classpath.

Select Classpath and then click on Add External JARs. Select the JAR file named as “client-combined-3.141.59”. Click open.

Again click on Add External JARs. Select all the JAR files of the libs folder and click open.

Now click on Apply button and then Apply and close.

And that’s how selenium webDriver has been successfully installed.
I hope this tutorial is useful for you. If you face any issues during installation kindly leave your comment.
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- I love to shape what I think and feel. I like to give advice to peoples about relationship and life. Interested in writing, composing poems, exploring new things.
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Nice tutorial for selenium…easy to understand and simple steps to install.
Good and helpful for beginners
Thank you, Sonali
Thanku Shiwani …for making this so easy for us.hope it will helpful for all the selenium learner.
Thanks Priya