So we will talk four basic tuck some are very new in trend.
1-Basic Tuck.

Basic tuck is very simple for this simply tuck the lower area of shirt under your pant . and this is tuck not that successful because after some time shirt starts coming out from the pant and it looks very wired. this tuck is best if you layer your shirt with suit.
2-Military Tuck.
Military tuck is quit new in trend and very impressive, easy to do . For this just grab extra fabric of shirt from side and fold the extra fabric and then wear your pant . this tuck looks very cool and unique.
3- Half Tuck.

Half tuck is very attractive and very new in trend. For this tuck simply tuck only one side of you shirt and leave other side un-tuck but some people cannot carry this look they feel very uncomfortable and feel very nervous .
4- Back Tuck.
Back tuck is not that famous, for this tuck grab extra fabric of your shirt then fold that fabric behind you back and this looks very nice and plain. nice tuck for school student and collage student.
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i am a passionate fashion model and blogger . i like to give advice to peoples about fashion grooming .
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