Yes we all know what we are going through. These time comes once in 100 year but things will get better.
We always have option what to choose we can either make it a source of anxiety or look it as an opportunity to do something for ourselves.
Remember when we used to say I don’t have time to follow what i like.
Now every one have time to do what they like to do at-least something for personal development.
So, here are a few simple tips/reminders to help keep you motivated, productive and most importantly positive during this time!
1) Maintain daily routines

Yes, its true there are no regular commute to office and getting ready for the day and missing the breakfast for the office is no more the situation these days.
So what to do?
Well things will come back to normal again so, just pick some basic daily activities that you used to do earlier and try to stick to them.
Maybe you take normal walk in office commute time or you can cook some healthy food at that moment. This will keep you active and focused to start your day.
Stick to daily routine like exercise, sleeping pattern, eating and other activity.
2) Stay in contact of people

Loneliness is painful, yes its true that we do not like some people around us but also we really want some people to be round us.
Keep in touch with your family, friends and colleagues via Skype, FaceTime, a phone call, texting… really any form of digital communication. Ask how they are and let them know how you are!
3) Get fresh air outside

Yes, i know we are not suppose to go outside but this doesn’t mean we have to be imprisoned in our own homes.
Get your feet out of the doors or somewhere away from walls and breadth less polluted air ever.
It helps reduce stress and good for mental and physical health. Some research says such activities helps regulate our blood pressure, heart rate and several hormones.
4) Take a short break

Well some times its productive to disconnect yourself from old pattern of working style. Our brain is creative and want something new to be introduced. It get resistant for doing same activity daily.
So its a good idea to give your brain a bit of surprise by breaking the rules. Rather than getting lost on YouTube, take the time to get up and move away from your desk. Go for a wander, get some fresh air and take a breather.
Making lunch, drawing, dancing, music or cleaning may help you discover your new talent.
5) Plan and Prioritize

Well yes its important to keep track of what you are doing whole day as it effects your life and time.
The best way to keep track of thing is to plan so that you can trace are you going according to what you thought of.
Also with a great plan its also important to prioritize your work as what needs to be done first.
6) Focus on positives

There are lots of negative news and rumors all around us but instead of getting trapped smart choice is to choose what to consume and what not to consume.
The best way to stay positive is to create positive environment.
Try to learn about great people how they accomplished problems at that time when there were minimal resources.
Try not to get obsessed with thing around and get panic. Thing will get normal soon and shops will get restocked.
Try watching some ted talks or some motivational videos on youtube.
If you like reading books there are great self help books and audio books on internet.
I hope these tips will help you fight your negativity and charge you to be productive and positive during lockdown…
Author Profile

- Hey Its..! Tech Lover , Ionic, Angular, Typescript, Dotnet Core, Node, Like Opencv, AI, ML, Robotics, Iot, Love Music, Cooking, Girls, Innovation
Great work on penning down some of the techniques to beat the suffocation arising out of lockdown! The lockdown can be gruelling and harsh, specially in a country like India, so these tips are like mini-assets in the current times to mitigate the psychological impact hammered through the lockdown.
Hey Prem
It is really good to see you delivering Motivation thought during this pandemic situation
Thanks for your comment.