Moment marketing is the form of marketing where brands create viral content through trending news and affairs around the world to marketing their products or services. These 3 things you should try to avoid in moment marketing:
The moment marketing has become the most power marketing tool for promotion.
A great moment campaign has the ability to set the trend and getting viral.
Here are the 3 things you should try to avoid in moment marketing:
1. Your brand should have an opinion :

Before diving into moment marketing, you should always be aware of the opinion of your brand.
For example- Nike only dives into that campaign which promotes sports issues because Nike’s target audience is athletes and sportsperson.
2. Do not hesitate :

If you know the opinion of your brand, then you should not hesitate to get into moment marketing.
And you should always be focused on trend timings because trends come and go in a short period of time.
3. Don’t just fit in :

Some brands try to just fit at the moment and this habit of getting fit in, sometimes it leads to negative branding.
And sometimes brands get so much criticism about their moment marketing.
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Student at Acharya Narendra Dev College, DELHI UNIVERSITY
part time blogger | Aspiring Entrepreneur | Learner |
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