“There is a sufficiency in the world for man’s need but not for man’s greed.” – Mahatma Gandhi. Man is a dangerous animal on earth or not?
Earth is home to millions of humans. Humans and all other beings have equal rights to live and enjoy this beautiful environment. Medicines are available for all diseases and medicines can also be made for other new life-threatening diseases, but medicines cannot be made by human greed.
So, as you know everything has pros and cons. We will discuss both aspects of that really a man is the most dangerous animal on planet earth? Let’s dive in:
#Agree with this

Man has killed many more humans than other creatures of God. Man is cutting more and more trees year after year. To his benefits, they are digging in land, quarry and getting out the coal, gold, diamond, fossil fuels and they are slowly running out. Man has made many weapons, high tech weapons, nuclear bombs, chemicals and other poisonous things which are affecting our environment.
Animals do not hurt anyone until they are hungry but in the case of humans, they kill humans, they produce weapons, dangerous chemicals. A war is mainly caused by humans in which they involve a lot of humans in a war.

Reduction of carbon emissons and ozone layer depletion. Situational gases and other hazardous chemicals are mixed to the atmosphere and they are causing fog or pollutants in the air that causes problems with breathing and asthma disease. High density pollution in the air makes it difficult to see the road.
Humans are reducing crude oil and evacuating the land. Global warming is increasing year after year. All these things will be in front of the coming generation.
Groundwater is also getting depleted which creates water scarcity and after that humans dig more feet to get water, they are not saving water. They are wasting the water without knowing the value of water. The demand for food is doubling day after day.
Every type of pollution is created by humans such as water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution.
It is very shocking that human is using natural resources in a much worse way and which we cannot reproduce the natural resources and how long it takes to generate.
Some important aspects, how humans and animals are destroying the plant earth:
Overpopulation, Pollution, Global Warming, Deforestation, Ozone depletion.
#Disagree with that

Humans are also part of the life cycle, it cannot be denied from this. We cannot blindly blame humans. Without humans, the world is not as it is today. Man has invented many useful things that save humans, animals, trees. And with great technology we can take care of human and animal.
There are also animals contributing to pollution. Example – water pollution. The animals have the full facility of water in the forest, they also collect garbage in these parts of lake, river, pond.
And that water will not be safe for humans to drink, it becomes dangerous and many people have died by drinking such water. It is wrong to say that only humans are killing humans, animals have also killed humans. And both are important for the life cycle, they both are plating his role very good.
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- I am not what has happened to me, I am what I choose to become. I create my own sunshine. Learning something new is an adventure for me. I like to explore new things. Because failure or success doesn’t define me. My attempt does.
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