Here we are going to learn how to create “Code Snippet In Visual Studio 2017“.
Step 1) Download a xml file with this template given below.
Step 2) Save this file in a folder as LogSnippet/log.snippet
Step 3) Open VS2017>Tools>Code Snippets Manager
Step 4) Select Lenguage = CSharp
Step 5) Click add, then select folder, then clock OK.
Step 5) To use snippet write log and press tab. this will result
——————-End of tutorial—————
Knowledge add on :
- Best-in-class tools for any developer –
- what is visual studio – Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft. It is used to develop computer programs, as well as web sites, web apps, web servicesand mobile apps.
- what is code snippet – are small blocks of reusable code that can be inserted in a code file using a context menu command or a combination of hotkeys. They typically contain commonly-used code blocks such as try-finally or if-else blocks, but they can be used to insert entire classes or methods.
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