Today, I will tell you how to learn anything 10x faster. Learning is very important for personal development. You can learn anything, anywhere. But to learn, everyone should give time for their learning so that we can improve ourselves and we can add skills.
But, we cannot learn and there is only one reason “I’m busy”.
But I want to ask you a question that –
Do you know Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Oprah Winfrey, Jeff Bezos? You must know all of them, tell me what they have in common.

Most people say they are billionaires, they are rich, they are American. But I want to tell you that I am not talking about this, they are all perfect in their field because they are passionate and have a clear goal. When people don’t give their best, they say again how to learn 10x faster. Therefore, learning potentially is very important.
But again, people usually remember all these things but I want to tell you that they are all great learners. They are all hungry for knowledge, they all like to learn. They usually learn every time they read books, through mentors, through experiments.
Recently Elon Musk said in an interview “I was raised first by books, then by my parents.”
So, let’s begin with how to learn anything 10x faster with 4 Powerful tricks :
1. Deep Learning :

In this method, you have to make sure that the quality of your input should be excellent because if you take good input then you can learn from it.
But some people do not do this for example – if you read and when your phone rings, you get distracted, and also when you are watching some educational videos on YouTube you get distracted.
Because you read comments, you also see other stuff. It affects our learning and then you forget in the short term instead of learning for the long term.
So learn with 100% attention and skip multitasking. Because quality input helps improve your quality retentions.
2. Discontinue Multitasking :

If you want to learn that will help you to improve your personal development. You should avoid multitasking. Whenever you are learning something, keep the phone in silent mode and do not do any other work while studying.
When you are reading, keep reading, let’s say that you have decided to read for 30 minutes, then read for 30 minutes without getting distracted. This will help increase your retention and build your longer memory power.
3. Implement :

This is very important because 99% of the people leave and only 1% of people implement. When you have learned something. Then you have to think that I have learned something great or something big. And think that, how can I apply this thing in work? Use or practice what you have learned.
How can I take benefit from this knowledge? Because if you learn something and you do not apply, you will forget it because you have learned but you have not applied. So very important to apply and use skills in your work wherever you can use but use.
4. Share your learning experience :

When you help someone you have learned, it makes your learning successful. When people inspire you to continue, it helps you stay on your learning path. When you do repetitions it creates expertise in those things.
For example – If you are learning a foreign language and telling it to other people and helping to learn it, that improves your memory and gives you mastery in that language because you have learned all Have repeated things.
Lastly, make learning fun and enjoyable by making daily routine work, as it will not feel like it is a burden on you.
I hope this is helpful for you, Thank you
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- I am not what has happened to me, I am what I choose to become. I create my own sunshine. Learning something new is an adventure for me. I like to explore new things. Because failure or success doesn’t define me. My attempt does.
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