Yes, we all go through it and its normal as a human being.
We all go through tough time and sometime its unbearable, its dangerous to carry also its not easy to ignore. I am talking about stress and problems.
Stress may caused by several reasons but there are some common solutions to get out of this dark world easily.
So lets beat it and conquer it by simply practicing some easy tricks.
1) Take Control and Accept the things you can’t change

Many times we stick to things that are not in our control but we still struggle to change it.
Believe me there are some real thing that we cannot control, So this is the best time to take control of ourselves.
It is best time to accept that yes there are few things that I can’t take charge of and then let it go.
This is the quick way to heal our mind against odds.
2) Music makes difference

Listening to music can have a very relaxing effect on the body and brain.
Its like a therapy, its scientifically proven that music helps your brain relax. Any type of soothing music can easily calm down the fire going through the brain, ya it acts like ice.
You can find several relaxing music on internet trust me you will not regret after listening to them.
3) Exercise and playing with your pet

If you feel its all dark outside then think once again what god gifted you and how much you take care of that. Yes I am talking about your body.
Well every one know that “a healthy body has a healthy mind”
Mind is directly connected to our body so if we start to focus on body that will definitely change the current state of mind. It doesn’t much efforts to just move our body a bit.
Some simple kind of yoga and taking a deep breath is enough to tackle it.
You can get your pet out for small walk and play with them. This will also strengthen your relationship.
So what are you waiting for make it happen its not hard.
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- Hey Its..! Tech Lover , Ionic, Angular, Typescript, Dotnet Core, Node, Like Opencv, AI, ML, Robotics, Iot, Love Music, Cooking, Girls, Innovation