Tax Calculation
Tax Calculation
in ,

Tax Calculation Logic Based On Tax Profile Of An Item

//TaxCalculator here..
var program2 = (function () {
    function program2() {
    } = function () {
        console.log("Running Program...");
        var itemSize = {
            "ItemSizeId": 1,
            "SiteItemId": 1,
            "Name": "Default",
            "Description": "Default",
            "IsWeighted": false,
            "Price": 350,
            "IsFree": false,
            "PointsPercentage": 2,
            "PointsPrice": 15,
            "CanBePaidUsingPoints": true,
            "OrderingUniqueId": "0192837465",
            "ThirdPartyId": "",
            "DefaultPatronCount": 0,
        var taxProfiles = [
                "ItemSizeTaxProfileId": 1,
                "TaxProfileId": 1,
                "Name": "Vat",
                "Description": "Vat",
                "Rate": 12,
                "Type": 0,
                "Priority": 1
                "ItemSizeTaxProfileId": 1,
                "TaxProfileId": 1,
                "Name": "Vat",
                "Description": "Vat",
                "Rate": 15,
                "Type": 0,
                "Priority": 1
            // {
            //     "ItemSizeTaxProfileId": 2,
            //     "TaxProfileId": 2,
            //     "Name": "Sales Tax",
            //     "Description": "Sales Tax",
            //     "Rate": 12,
            //     "Type": 2,
            //     "Priority": 2
            // }
            // ,
            // {
            //     "ItemSizeTaxProfileId": 1,
            //     "TaxProfileId": 1,
            //     "Name": "Vat",
            //     "Description": "Vat",
            //     "Rate": 12,
            //     "Type": 2,
            //     "Priority": 1
            // }
            // ,
            // {
            //     "ItemSizeTaxProfileId": 2,
            //     "TaxProfileId": 2,
            //     "Name": "Sales Tax",
            //     "Description": "Sales Tax",
            //     "Rate": 12,
            //     "Type": 2,
            //     "Priority": 2
            // }
        var taxSettings = [
                "SiteId": 1,
                "SiteTransactionType": 3,
                "SiteTransactionTypeName": "ItemPriceIncludeTax",
                "Text": "ItemPriceIncludeTax",
                "Value": "1"
                "SiteId": 1,
                "SiteTransactionType": 4,
                "SiteTransactionTypeName": "ItemPriceIncludeServiceCharge",
                "Text": "ItemPriceIncludeServiceCharge",
                "Value": "1"
                "SiteId": 1,
                "SiteTransactionType": 5,
                "SiteTransactionTypeName": "CalculateTaxBeforeDiscount",
                "Text": "CalculateTaxBeforeDiscount",
                "Value": "0"
                "SiteId": 1,
                "SiteTransactionType": 6,
                "SiteTransactionTypeName": "CalculateTaxAfterDiscount",
                "Text": "CalculateTaxAfterDiscount",
                "Value": "0"
                "SiteId": 1,
                "SiteTransactionType": 7,
                "SiteTransactionTypeName": "CalculateScPreDiscountedPrice",
                "Text": "CalculateScPreDiscountedPrice",
                "Value": "0"
                "SiteId": 1,
                "SiteTransactionType": 8,
                "SiteTransactionTypeName": "ReCalculateScAfterDiscount",
                "Text": "ReCalculateScAfterDiscount",
                "Value": "0"
                "SiteId": 1,
                "SiteTransactionType": 9,
                "SiteTransactionTypeName": "ApplyServiceChargeTax",
                "Text": "ApplyServiceChargeTax",
                "Value": "1"
                "SiteId": 1,
                "SiteTransactionType": 10,
                "SiteTransactionTypeName": "ServiceChargeTaxRate",
                "Text": "ServiceChargeTaxRate",
                "Value": "15"
        //tax behaviour mapper..
        this.TaxBehaviourMapper(itemSize, taxProfiles, taxSettings);
     * BasePriceCalculator

    //STinclusive>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Only
    program2.CalculateBasePriceSalesTaxInclusiveOnly = function (itemSize, taxProfiles, taxSettings) {
        //Calculate Base Price for ST Inclusive
        if (taxProfiles.length != 0) {
            // if (taxProfiles.length==1) {
            // }
            var STrate_1 = 0;
            taxProfiles.forEach(function (tax) {
                if (tax.Type == 0) {
                    STrate_1 = STrate_1 + tax.Rate;
            itemSize.BasePrice = ((itemSize.Price) / (100 + STrate_1)) * 100;
            // itemSize.BasePrice = itemSize.BasePrice;
            itemSize.appliedPrice = itemSize.Price;
            itemSize.SalesTax = (itemSize.Price - itemSize.BasePrice);
            console.log("ItemSize Before applying Service Charge : ", itemSize);
            //applying Exclusive Service Charge..
            var SCrate_1 = 0;
            taxProfiles.forEach(function (tax) {
                if (tax.Type == 2) {
                    SCrate_1 = SCrate_1 + tax.Rate;
            itemSize.ServiceCharge = (itemSize.BasePrice * (SCrate_1 / 100));
            itemSize.appliedPrice = itemSize.appliedPrice + parseFloat(itemSize.ServiceCharge);
            console.log("ItemSize After applying Service Charge : ", itemSize);
            //Apply TSC logic..
            console.log("Tax On Service Charge Enabled : ", !!+taxSettings[6].Value);
            if (!!+taxSettings[6].Value == true) {
                console.log("Applying Tax On Service Charge..");
                itemSize.TaxOnServiceCharge = (itemSize.ServiceCharge * (taxSettings[7].Value / 100));
                itemSize.appliedPrice = itemSize.appliedPrice + parseFloat(itemSize.TaxOnServiceCharge);
            else {
                console.log("Tax On Service Charge Enabled : ", !!+taxSettings[6].Value);
            console.log("ItemSize After applying Tax On Service Charge : ", itemSize);
            // console.log(itemSize);
    //SCinclusive>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Only    
    program2.CalculateBasePriceServiceChargeInclusiveOnly = function (itemSize, taxProfiles, taxSettings) {
        //Calculate Base Price for SC Inclusive
        if (taxProfiles.length != 0) {
            // if (taxProfiles.length==1) {
            // }
            var SCrate_2 = 0;
            taxProfiles.forEach(function (tax) {
                if (tax.Type == 2) {
                    SCrate_2 = SCrate_2 + tax.Rate;
            itemSize.BasePrice = ((itemSize.Price) / (100 + SCrate_2)) * 100;
            itemSize.BasePrice = itemSize.BasePrice;
            itemSize.appliedPrice = itemSize.Price;
            itemSize.ServiceCharge = (itemSize.Price - itemSize.BasePrice);
            console.log("ItemSize Before applying Sales Tax : ", itemSize);
            //applying ST Exclusive..
            var STrate_2 = 0;
            taxProfiles.forEach(function (tax) {
                if (tax.Type == 0) {
                    STrate_2 = STrate_2 + tax.Rate;
            itemSize.SalesTax = (itemSize.BasePrice * (STrate_2 / 100));
            itemSize.appliedPrice = itemSize.appliedPrice + parseFloat(itemSize.SalesTax);
            console.log("ItemSize Before Tax On Service Charge : ", itemSize);
            //Apply TSC logic..
            console.log("Tax On Service Charge Enabled : ", !!+taxSettings[6].Value);
            if (!!+taxSettings[6].Value == true) {
                console.log("Applying Tax On Service Charge..");
                itemSize.TaxOnServiceCharge = (itemSize.ServiceCharge * (taxSettings[7].Value / 100));
                itemSize.appliedPrice = itemSize.appliedPrice + parseFloat(itemSize.TaxOnServiceCharge);
            else {
                console.log("Tax On Service Charge Enabled : ", !!+taxSettings[6].Value);
            console.log("ItemSize After applying Tax On Service Charge : ", itemSize);
            // console.log(itemSize);
    program2.CalculateBasePriceSalesTaxServiceChargeInclusive = function (itemSize, taxProfiles, taxSettings) {
        //Calculate Base Price for ST SC Inclusive
        if (taxProfiles.length != 0) {
            // if (taxProfiles.length==1) {
            // }
            var STrate_3 = 0;
            var SCrate_3 = 0;
            taxProfiles.forEach(function (tax) {
                if (tax.Type == 0) {
                    STrate_3 = STrate_3 + tax.Rate;
                if (tax.Type == 2) {
                    SCrate_3 = SCrate_3 + tax.Rate;
            if (!!+taxSettings[6].Value == true) {
                itemSize.BasePrice = itemSize.Price / (1 + (STrate_3 / 100) + (SCrate_3 / 100) + ((taxSettings[7].Value / 100) * (SCrate_3 / 100)));
            else {
                itemSize.BasePrice = itemSize.Price / (1 + (STrate_3 / 100) + (SCrate_3 / 100));
            itemSize.BasePrice = itemSize.BasePrice;
            itemSize.appliedPrice = itemSize.Price;
            itemSize.SalesTax = (itemSize.BasePrice) * (STrate_3 / 100);
            itemSize.ServiceCharge = (itemSize.BasePrice) * (SCrate_3 / 100);
            itemSize.ServiceCharge = itemSize.ServiceCharge;
            console.log("ItemSize Before applying Tax On Service Charge : ", itemSize);
            //Apply TSC logic..
            console.log("Tax On Service Charge Enabled : ", !!+taxSettings[6].Value);
            if (!!+taxSettings[6].Value == true) {
                itemSize.TaxOnServiceCharge = (itemSize.ServiceCharge * (taxSettings[7].Value / 100));
                //POS dont add this value to applied price... 
                //itemSize.appliedPrice = itemSize.appliedPrice + parseFloat(itemSize.TaxOnServiceCharge);
            else {
                console.log("Tax On Service Charge Enabled : ", !!+taxSettings[6].Value);
            console.log("ItemSize After applying Tax On Service Charge : ", itemSize);
            // console.log(itemSize);
    program2.CalculateBasePriceSalesTaxServiceChargeExclusive = function (itemSize, taxProfiles, taxSettings) {
        //Calculate Base Price for ST SC Exclusive
        if (taxProfiles.length != 0) {
            // if (taxProfiles.length==1) {
            // }
            var STrate_4 = 0;
            var SCrate_4 = 0;
            taxProfiles.forEach(function (tax) {
                if (tax.Type == 0) {
                    STrate_4 = STrate_4 + tax.Rate;
                if (tax.Type == 2) {
                    SCrate_4 = SCrate_4 + tax.Rate;
            itemSize.BasePrice = itemSize.Price;
            // if (!!+taxSettings[6].Value == true) {
            //     console.log("Changing base price by applying TSC");
            //     // itemSize.BasePrice = itemSize.Price /(1 + (STrate/100) + (SCrate/100) + ((taxSettings[7].Value/100)*(SCrate/100)))
            // }else{
            //     itemSize.BasePrice = itemSize.Price;
            // }
            itemSize.SalesTax = (itemSize.BasePrice) * (STrate_4 / 100);
            itemSize.SalesTax = itemSize.SalesTax;
            itemSize.ServiceCharge = (itemSize.BasePrice) * (SCrate_4 / 100);
            itemSize.ServiceCharge = itemSize.ServiceCharge;
            //todo calculate tax on service charge
            itemSize.appliedPrice = parseFloat(itemSize.BasePrice) + parseFloat(itemSize.ServiceCharge) + parseFloat(itemSize.SalesTax);
            //Apply TSC logic..
            console.log("Tax On Service Charge Enabled : ", !!+taxSettings[6].Value);
            if (!!+taxSettings[6].Value == true) {
                console.log("Applying Tax On Service Charge..");
                itemSize.TaxOnServiceCharge = (itemSize.ServiceCharge * (taxSettings[7].Value / 100));
                itemSize.appliedPrice = itemSize.appliedPrice + parseFloat(itemSize.TaxOnServiceCharge);
            else {
                console.log("Tax On Service Charge Enabled : ", !!+taxSettings[6].Value);
            console.log("ItemSize After applying Tax On Service Charge : ", itemSize);
     * TaxBehaviourMapper
    program2.TaxBehaviourMapper = function (itemSize, taxProfiles, taxSettings) {
        console.log("Tax Behaviour Check : ");
        var switchFlag = 0;
        //ST Inclusive Only..
        if (this.STinclusiveOnly(taxSettings)) {
            switchFlag = 1;
        // else {
        //     switchFlag = 4;
        // }
        //SC Inclusive Only..
        if (this.SCinclusiveOnly(taxSettings)) {
            switchFlag = 2;
        // else {
        //     switchFlag = 5;
        // }
        //Both Inclusive..
        if (this.BothInclusive(taxSettings)) {
            switchFlag = 3;
        //Both Exclusive..
        if (this.BothExclusive(taxSettings)) {
            switchFlag = 6;
        console.log("Switch Flag : ", switchFlag);
        switch (switchFlag) {
            case 0:
                    //test only..
                    // this.CalculateBasePriceSalesTaxExclusive(itemSize, taxProfiles);
                    //this.CalculateBasePriceServiceChargeExclusive(itemSize, taxProfiles);
                    // this.CalculateBasePriceSalesTaxServiceChargeExclusive(itemSize, taxProfiles);
            case 1:
                    //ST Inclusive Only..
                    //calculate base price from ST
                    this.CalculateBasePriceSalesTaxInclusiveOnly(itemSize, taxProfiles, taxSettings);
            case 4:
            case 2:
                    //SC Inclusive Only..
                    //calculate base price from SC
                    this.CalculateBasePriceServiceChargeInclusiveOnly(itemSize, taxProfiles, taxSettings);
            case 5:
            case 3:
                    //Both Inclusive..
                    this.CalculateBasePriceSalesTaxServiceChargeInclusive(itemSize, taxProfiles, taxSettings);
            case 6:
                    //Both Exclusive..
                    this.CalculateBasePriceSalesTaxServiceChargeExclusive(itemSize, taxProfiles, taxSettings);
    program2.STinclusiveOnly = function (taxSettings) {
        if (!!+taxSettings[0].Value == true && !!+taxSettings[1].Value == false) {
            // if (!!+taxSettings[1].Value==false ) {
            //   return true;
            // }
            return true;
        else {
            return false;
    program2.SCinclusiveOnly = function (taxSettings) {
        if (!!+taxSettings[1].Value == true && !!+taxSettings[0].Value == false) {
            return true;
        else {
            return false;
    program2.BothInclusive = function (taxSettings) {
        if (!!+taxSettings[0].Value == true && !!+taxSettings[1].Value == true) {
            return true;
        else {
            return false;
    program2.BothExclusive = function (taxSettings) {
        if (this.STinclusiveOnly(taxSettings) == false && this.SCinclusiveOnly(taxSettings) == false && this.BothInclusive(taxSettings) == false) {
            return true;
        else {
            return false;
    return program2;
var Startup2 = (function () {
    function Startup2() {
    Startup2.main = function () {
        // console.log('Hello World');
        //to run program..;
        return 0;
    return Startup2;

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Hey Its..! Tech Lover , Ionic, Angular, Typescript, Dotnet Core, Node, Like Opencv, AI, ML, Robotics, Iot, Love Music, Cooking, Girls, Innovation

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