To create a configuration in nodejs.
I will create a folder as config a file naming as config.js and later I will use this file wherever required as below
Example of config.js
module.exports = {
proxyURL: 'http://url:port',
consumerkey: 'yourconsumerkey',
consumerSecrete: 'yourconsumersecrete'
consumerkey: 'yourconsumerkey',
consumerSecrete: 'yourconsumersecrete'
consumerkey: 'yourconsumerkey',
consumerSecrete: 'yourconsumersecrete'
Then if i want to use this config file somewhere
I will first import as below
var config = require('./config');
and I can access the values as below
const oauth = OAuth({
consumer: {
key: config.TWITTER.consumerkey,
secret: config.TWITTER.consumerSecrete
That’s all enjoy 🙂
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- Hey Its..! Tech Lover , Ionic, Angular, Typescript, Dotnet Core, Node, Like Opencv, AI, ML, Robotics, Iot, Love Music, Cooking, Girls, Innovation